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Training and Accreditation Subcommittee

Tania Lecomte, PhD  is a full professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Montreal and coordinator of the Treatment and Services division of research centre of the IUSMM. Her research projects focus on improving treatment for people with severe mental illness, either by creating new treatments, evaluating needs or training mental health workers. She has collaborated on creating and validating group interventions in cognitive behaviour therapy to improve self-esteem, work tenure, romantic relationships, and the symptoms of people suffering from psychoses. Her current research bears mainly on first-episode patients, but she is also interested in individuals with longer clinical histories. Her current work focuses on social cognition, comorbidities in individuals with psychosis (substance misuse, social anxiety, depression, personality disorders), CBT for supported employment, implementation issues regarding CBTp, as well as resilience, and fighting social isolation and loneliness. She is also interested in the stigmatization of psychosis and knowledge transfer in the community.

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